Business training started a revolution in my family finances
Education and a grant, both from Future Hope Africa, have set me on a path of sustainable living.
By Daniel Musafiri
I was in great need when I came to Future Hope Africa. I received help for my children’s school supplies, uniforms and notebooks. But the director (Bintu Mujambere) added: “We cannot continue helping you like this. It's better to teach you to fish than to continue giving you fish every day.” She suggested I enroll in Focus Business School.
I enrolled and discovered it was surely God's will for me. The school taught me about economics, giving, tithing and other important life issues.
Previously, I had held back fully giving to God. I didn’t realize this was not only wrong, but that I was missing out on joy God wanted to impart to me. I did not know you could serve God and do business at the same time! We learned not only ethics and economics, but practical matters such as budgeting and expense tracking.
In these matters, I was ignorant. But thanks to Focus Business School, I began to see clearly. With the help of the instructors, I put together a business plan.
Eager to put my learning into practice, I applied for a microloan from Future Hope Africa. Although I was near the front of the line, I had to wait for funds to become available. Instead of merely waiting, I put $300 into my small food business. I also joined a cooperative where I could deposit and earn enough money for my daily expenses. This helped me avoid draining funds from my business. And because I work from home, I’m saving money on rent and taxes.
“As of today, the business is self-sustaining. Not only that, it’s paying for two children’s university bills.”
And it’s all because Focus Business School opened my mind. The training I received will benefit me for the rest of my life.
Recently, I received word from Future Hope Africa that my request for a microloan has been granted. What a joy! The $500 will help expand and support the business activity I have already begun.
My family and I will always be grateful for this act of love.
This training not only helped me. It started a revolution in my soul.
Want to help more entrepreneurs like Daniel build sustainable businesses? Contribute to our microloan program and help change the world, one person at a time.