VBS inspired children to live with faith and courage
Our theme focused on the life of Joseph, who persevered under trial and changed his world.
By Bintu Mujambere
Founder and Executive Director
For two weeks, Future Hope Africa held the VBS that has become well-known in our part of Bukavu, wrapping up on Aug. 6. It’s the only VBS of the kind we know of in the area. During the July-August vacation, we welcome all children in the age range between 6 and 15.
For a few years now, our vision for VBS has been to help raise a new generation of leaders who are willing to fear GOD and serve people in a Christ-like manner. This year again we had a team of 200 in total with 35 young teachers and 165 children/students. Our teachers were trained for two days on the material that we built together with the staff.
Our focus: Joseph the leader
We chose to build our 10-day teaching on the model of Joseph, the son of Jacob, from the Bible story in Genesis. We wanted to teach our children 10 principles from Joseph’s life, along with illustrative Bible verses. We linked these principles with the idea of leading through hard times. We didn’t have to look far for examples. The challenges of COVID-19 required leaders – including our own – to rise to the occasion. As a leadership team, we observed how the pandemic presented good and bad examples of leadership we could use to teach the children.
Our main theme was:
This was complemented by Psalm 23:4: “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, because you are with me.”
Every day, we shared about character qualities of good leaders. They choose to:
Persevere during difficult times
Lead differently
Protect themselves and others
Keep their dignity and integrity
Keep their faith in the LORD
Forgive those who have forsaken them
Share with those who have less
This last theme inspired us as we went on our final day’s community outreach trip. Students shared the love of GOD by giving packages of food to 100 families in Fariala, an impoverished neighborhood in the nearby village of Bagira.
More highlights
This year we were blessed to have a family with three children from an alternative religious faith join us. It was a blessing to share the Good News with them and we were thrilled to hear them speak the memorized verses along with their peers.
In addition, we were blessed with a couple of children that came to us from Goma (120 miles north) where we are developing a partnership with the goal of hosting an additional VBS there. Many local organizations do good things, but from our experience, we are the only ones providing a VBS. And these partners in Goma are willing to collaborate with us to export the program. We firmly believe it is the will of GOD for us to reach out as far as possible.
Our VBS model is localized and built with our culture and nation in mind. We strive to help children become thinking leaders who will become game changers for a better future in Africa. It’s amazing to see how our GOD Almighty is now expanding this work into other areas. HE is certainly enlarging our tents.
We also thank our faithful supporters. Your generous giving, inspired by God himself, makes all this possible.
Baraka Kwenyu (Blessings to You)!