You can help build tomorrow’s leaders through VBS
Our two-week program will focus on the character and resolve of Joseph as he overcame adversity to do good.
July 25-Aug. 5, Bukavu, DRC
Wherever it’s held, VBS builds faith. But in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Vacation Bible School is focused on inspiring Christ-centered world changers.
Past years have brought nearly 200 students. Continuing an emphasis on leadership, we’ll use biblical teaching to show that every child can choose a life of integrity in a world of compromise.
Who better than Joseph to be our role model? He was sold into slavery, imprisoned and falsely accused. Yet “the king … made him master of his household, ruler over all he possessed, to instruct his princes as he pleased and teach his elders wisdom” (Psalm 107).
“Children are not the church of tomorrow. They’re the church of today and the leaders of tomorrow.”
The message of Christ-centered living will be shared through teaching, music, small groups and art. At the conclusion of VBS, children will put the message into action: They’ll visit Bagira, an impoverished village on the outskirts of Bukavu. Along with delivering care packages, they’ll bring the Good News of Jesus.
Your support is essential
VBS costs $6,000 and includes expenses for meals, curriculum, supplies, transportation and our outreach in Bagira. Gifts are needed by Thursday, July 21. You can give securely online here (select VBS from the giving options).
Thank you for your investment in transforming lives.