Our first vehicle puts ministry on the move
Thanks to your help, we can now move people and resources quickly and safely.
What a difference four wheels make!
Last year, we asked for financial support in helping us acquire our first-ever ministry vehicle. We’re happy to say it’s here! Our network of international friends raised $8,000 toward our goal of $15,000. We held onto the money and kept looking for a good buy. In August, we were able to secure a vehicle with the help of an unexpected gift.
Why did we need a vehicle? (in this case a Toyota Land Cruiser)
• We use it daily for errands for our education center’s many needs. This includes banking, which can be dangerous when funds are transported via taxi.
• It provides transportation to our new “satellite” learning center on the outskirts of Bukavu – and for trips even further (Rwanda, for example).
• It frees us to respond quickly to needs among families we serve, and to support VBS and other ministries.
• Last but not least, it helps us more consistently transport our lending library to partner schools.
A word about safety
Taxis (which are usually motorcycles) can be dangerous and have been involved in numerous accidents. In fact, there have been so many wrecks that a ban has gone into effect. It’s important to us to provide safe transportation to the people involved in the ministry of Future Hope Africa. This is yet another reason we're thankful for this vehicle.
Thank you for your part in it.