Students and staff partner for leadership training


Photos courtesy of Un Jour Nouveau, Facebook

The future of Congo and Africa depends on a rising ethical and courageous generation.

We’re deeply devoted to the work of Future Hope Africa. But we also seek to partner with likeminded organizations to multiply our impact.

This was the case recently when some of our students and staff participated in a training sponsored by Un Jour Nouveau, a partner organization based in the city of Goma.

Un Jour Nouveau (A New Day), is a non-profit focused on ending the cycle of violence, poverty, and inequality fostered by ignorance, poor governance and lack of opportunity.

During our 12 days in the program, we studied:

  • Transformational leadership

  • Behavioral psychology of the leader

  • Good governance

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Good manners

  • Financial leadership

Un Jour Nouveau was created by Pastor Camille Ntoto, who relocated to the Democratic Republic of the Congo from the United States. It’s gratifying to partner with organizations who share our values and vision for the Congo and Africa.

Roy Harryman